Archived Policy Handbook 2017-18 | Page 2

Welcome! Whether your child is in kindergarten and wondering what’s ahead, or if your child is a high school senior who’s looking forward to graduation, we want your family to have a great experience. This handbook, along with your school’s handbook, are guides to help you throughout the year. There is a lot of information packed into this handbook. The first section covers the basics about our schools including activities, homework and more. The second section covers key policies for the Anoka-Hennepin School District, which are approved by the School Board. We want you to have this information so you know how we handle matters of conduct and discipline consistently and fairly. Your school may establish additional guidelines, so please review their handbook as well. Your school may also require that you review sections of this handbook with your child and sign a checklist. If so, your child should return the checklist to the person designated by your school. If you have questions about any content in here, please contact your school, and you’ll be referred to the appropriate person. 2017-18 School Handbook 1