This handbook was prepared for parents and guardians of students who attend kindergarten in the Anoka-Hennepin School District .
Anoka-Hennepin is the largest school district in Minnesota and serves approximately 38,000 students and more than 245,000 residents living in 13 municipalities in Anoka and Hennepin counties . The district was established in 1952 .
Educational Service Center 2727 North Ferry Street , Anoka , MN 55303 763-506-1000 www . ahschools . us
Welcome to
Dear Parent / Guardian , Welcome to kindergarten ! We are eager to work with you as you and your child prepare for kindergarten in the fall . We believe that parents are their children ’ s first and most powerful teachers . You can help your child be successful in school by becoming actively involved in his or her education .
This handbook includes ideas for ways you can help your child prepare for kindergarten , plus information about departments that provide services for your child .
The Welcome to Kindergarten - Come Join Us activity book you received at registration provides some simple activities for kindergarten preparation . Some your child can do alone and others are best when done with a parent , grandparent , or older brother or sister . The activities represent all the learning areas in kindergarten :
• English Language Arts , which includes reading , writing , listening , speaking and thinking
• Mathematics
• Science
• Social studies
• Health and physical development
• Art and music
• Personal and social development
Please take a moment to review the elementary philosophy for all elementary schools in the Anoka-Hennepin School District , which is printed on page three of this handbook . It stresses our belief in the importance of working with you as partners in your child ’ s learning and development .
ADMINISTRATION David Law Superintendent
Dr . Mary Wolverton Associate Superintendent , Elementary Education
Dr . Kari Rock Director , Elementary Schools
Ranae Case Evenson Director of Elementary Curriculum , Instruction and Assessment
KINDERGARTEN HANDBOOK STAFF Elementary Education Susan Bonte Administrative Assistant
Communication and Public Relations Department Jim Skelly Director of Communication and Public Relations
Courtney Markuson Communication Assistant
Kay Villella Assistant Director of Communications and Public Relations
Design , Layout and Photography Courtney Markuson / Elaine Guse
If you have questions about kindergarten , please feel free to call your school and talk with the principal .
We look forward to partnering with you to make your child ’ s kindergarten year an exciting learning experience .
Sincerely , The principal and staff of your kindergarten school
If requested , this document will be provided in an alternate format for individuals with disabilities or in another language for individuals whose primary language is not English . A minimum of three days notice is needed . Please call the Family Welcome Center at 763-433-4680 to request an alternate format or language .
A future without limit © Anoka-Hennepin Schools