Archived Kindergarten handbook | Page 19

Section 504 of the rehabilitation act Students who demonstrate a “ substantial limitation in a major life activity ,” such as talking , learning , socialization , eating , sleeping , walking , standing or concentrating are eligible for an evaluation and , if appropriate , an Accommodation Plan .
Parents participate as team members in identification and development of an Accommodation Plan for their child . For more information on special education programs call 763-506-1350 ; 504 Accommodations call 763-506-1017 .
Special Education programs and services Special education services are available for kindergarten students who have disabilities :
• If the disability meets state criteria , and
• If the child demonstrates the need for services .
Parents / guardians are invited to participate as team members with the kindergarten teacher and special education teacher in developing an individual education plan ( IEP ) to meet their child ’ s specific special education needs . In general , students with disabilities who are kindergarten-age will attend the school that serves their neighborhood .
There are a number of center-based special education programs that are geographically located throughout the district . These programs serve students with severe disabilities who require intensive special education services not available in the neighborhood school .