Archived Kindergarten handbook | Page 17

Lice ( head ) Itching of the scalp . Look for : crawling lice in the hair and scratch marks on scalp or back of neck at hairline .
Hand , foot , and mouth disease
Sores occur toward the front of the mouth , on the sides of the tongue , inside the cheeks , and on the gums ; may last 7-10 days . In most cases , sores can be found on the palms of the hands , the fingers , and the soles of the feet . A low-grade fever may last 1 to 2 days .
Nits ( eggs ) hatch in 7 to 10 days
Usually 3 to 6 days
At end of school day , exclude from school until first treatment is completed .
Exclude until temperature is normal for 24 hours and child is well enough to participate in normal daily activities . Sores may still be present .
Louse transmitted primarily by direct contact with infested persons . Lice can also be transmitted through combs , brushes , bedding , wearing apparel , headwear including hair ornaments , helmets , and sleeping bags .
Coxsackievirus spreads through contact with nose and throat discharge and stool of infected persons . Handwashing important .
Pink eye ( Conjunctivitis )
Bacterial : pink or red conjunctiva with pus that causes matting of the eyelids , pain or redness of eyelids . Viral : pink conjunctiva with clear watery discharge and without pain or redness of eyelids .
1 to 12 days
Refer for medical diagnosis and treatment ; if bacterial ( with pus ), exclude from school until 24 hours after treatment begins . Viral ( without pus ): no exclusion .
Most are viral in etiology , some bacterial . May be spread through hand-eye contact .
Reye ’ s syndrome
Sudden onset of violent vomiting , mental confusion , extreme sleepiness , or fatigue , twitching or jerking movements , hostility , coma .
1 to 7 days following viral infection ( cold , flu , chicken pox )
1 ) If one or more symptoms appear , call physician immediately . 2 ) Go to emergency room of hospital . 3 ) Do not give aspirin to a child with a viral illness . 4 ) Exclude from school until clinically well .
Usually follows viral infection . It is not contagious . Cause unknown . No prevention . Requires immediate attention at onset of symptoms . Most common in young children .
Body : Ringworm appears as flat , spreading ringshaped lesions . The edge of the lesion may be dry and scaly or moist and crusty . As the lesion spreads outward , the center often becomes clear . Scalp : Ringworm may be hard to detect in the early stages . It often begins as a small , scaly patch on the scalp . Mild redness and swelling may occur . Infected hairs become brittle and break off easily .
Body : 4 to 10 days , Scalp : 10 to 14 days
Exclude from school until 24 hours after treatment has been started . Lesions must be covered when participating in contact sports .
Fungus spread by contact with infected person , animal or contaminated articles .
Rash and intense itching which may be more severe at night . Common locations to see the rash are folds of skin between fingers , around wrists , elbows , and armpits . Other areas where rash may appear are knees , waistline , thighs , male genitals , abdomen , chest , and lower portion of buttocks . Infants may be infected on head , neck , palms , and soles of feet .
2 weeks - 2 months :
Symptoms may appear in less than 1 week if the person has had scabies before .
Exclude from school until 24 hours after treatment begins .
Mite is transferred by direct contact with skin or through shared bedding , towels , and clothing of a person with scabies . Treat all members of household at the same time .
Streptococcal sore throat / scarlet fever
Sudden onset of fever , sore throat , swollen glands , headache , abdominal pain , nausea and vomiting in severe cases . With scarlet fever a very fine raised rash is present . A fuzzy , white tongue may occur . The rash appears most often on the neck , chest , in folds of the armpit , elbow , groin , and the inner thigh . Later there may be peeling of the skin on the fingertips and toes .
Usually 1 to 3 days
Exclude until throat culture report is received . If positive for strep , exclude from school until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment is started and until clinically well . Communicable until 24 hours after treatment is started . Exclude from school until temperature has been normal for 24 hours .
Bacteria spreads directly from nose and throat discharges of infected persons .