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Gray city


To complete, the floor of almost the whole center is black and white, helping even more to give a sad and melancholy aspect to a place with so much history.

Gray City is one of the nicknames given to the city of São Paulo, mainly in the center of the metropolis. This is because the buildings have a pastiche architecture, with equal colors, such as beige or gray, giving the center an increasingly "dead" aspect. A place with tradition and history, however, depressing as it passes by. Monotony and sadness are some words used by both foreigners and Brazilians. In addition, the centers are dangerous, with many robbers and homeless people, leaving the location even more "preventable." People only use it as a quick pass. Unfortunately, the local culture is lagged behind and little recognized even by the Brazilians. themselves.

The importance of a historical site must be maintained

"São Paulo é uma cidade opressiva. Cinzenta. Não tem mar. Esmaga seus moradores com seu trânsito indescritível, seu traçado caótico, sua feiura brutal, o excesso de ruído. Desse modo, e com grandes planos aéreos da metrópole assustadora quando vista de cima, começa o filme. Vemos uma mancha urbana monótona, pontiaguda, com edifícios que brotam fora de controle, ao deus-dará. As vozes que acompanham as imagens, em puro paulistês, falam da opressão das ruas. E dizem do desejo de colocar um pouco de cor nesta, com perdão do clichê, selva de asfalto e concreto armado."