Architectural Lighting & Office Lighting Designer London Davide Groppi, Architectural Light Fittings Catalo | Page 240

Un cortometraggio luminoso. Per raccontare una storia con la luce retroilluminando in modo pulsante e casuale le vecchie diapositive da 35MM. Le fotografie possono essere montate e sostituite a piacimento. A luminous short film. A wonderful object which tells a story through a series of old 35MM slides that have been lit from behind, pulsate and are shown at random. The pictures can be installed and changed, as you like. DESIGN ALESSANDRA DALLAGIOVANNA - DAVIDE GROPPI - 2010 SLOWLY FLASHING LIGHT - CUSTOMIZABLE IMAGE - 10 x 0,3 W LED _241 Skialight Tel 020 3514 4668 Email [email protected] Web