Architectural Lighting & Office Lighting Designer London Best Wever Ducre, Architectural Light Fittings fro | Page 10

“ We want to strengthen the connection between product and user.” 13&9 Designers That is why Anastasia Su and Martin Lesjak are completely focused on “transferring the creative energy of a brand to the product itself”. This is reflected in the ROCK COLLECTION, which the Austrian designer team developed exclusively for Wever & Ducré. Made from natural shale veneer with varying degrees of transparency, which makes every luminaire completely unique. A material which, by the way, fits right in with their philosophy. In their design studio, founded in 2013, they prefer to work with structures and surfaces that are decid- edly distinctive and full of character. Deshalb kon zentrieren sich Anastasia Su und Martin Lesjak ganz darauf, „die kreative Energie einer Marke auf das Produkt zu übertragen.“ Wie bei der ROCK COLLECTION, die das österreichi- sche Designerteam exklusiv für Wever & Ducré entwickelt hat. Aus natürlichem, unterschiedlich transparentem Schieferfurnier, das jede Leuchte zum absoluten Unikat macht. Ein Material, das übrigens ganz zur Philosophie der beiden passt. Denn in ihrem 2013 gegründeten Design-Studio arbeiten sie am liebsten mit charaktervollen Struk- turen und Oberflächen. | [email protected] | T: 020 3514 4668