Architect and Builder September/October 2015 | 页面 8

NEWSWATCH THE LATEST NEWS AND PRODUCTS FROM THE BUILDING INDUSTRY NEWSWORTHY ATHOLL TOWERS AWARDED 5-STAR GBCSA RATING The Atholl development Towers in office Johannesburg was recently awarded a 5-Star Green Star SA Rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa. Aurecon was by Estates ALW commissioned Environmentally to provide Sustainable Design services for the project, ROOF SHINGLES OFFER ENERGY SAVING ROOFING OPTION Global Innovative Building Systems now offer the Owens Corning ENERGY STAR® rated roofing shingles, that provide protection and increased energy efficiency for your home. ENERGY STAR® is also related to roofing. Similar to the energy-efficient appliances in your home, roofing products can also provide energy-saving qualities. Owens Corning™ ENERGY STAR® roofing shingles can help reduce your energy consumption, when installed correctly. These roofing shingles reflect solar energy, decreasing the amount of heat transferred to a home’s interior. Actual savings will vary based on geographic locations and building characteristics A roof does not only compromise roofing shingles but a total protection roof covering, these components and layers work together to help increase your roof’s performance and durability. To install correctly, Global Innovative Building Systems have a professional contractor network for all your requirements. The total protection roofing shingles system is lightweight (weighing in at 22kgs/m²) in comparison to many roof coverings; this is another way Owens Corning is keeping up with constant innovation and technological breakthroughs. The asphalt shingle has rigorously been tested for fire safety, achieving the International UL A1 Fire Rating; it has also been tested locally and passes the ASTM E 108 and the SABS ‘burning brands’ test with flying colours. Owens Corning provide Limited Product, Wind and Algae resistance warranti