Architect and Builder September/October 2015 | Page 11
Tile and construction adhesives market-leader, TAL, has played a central
role in ensuring the successful tiling of Group 5’s Midrand head office,
following the supply of numerous adhesives and ancillary products for the
installation of 6,500m² of tiles.
As part of the project, the double-volume entrance lobby was tiled with
mixed sized, textured, full body porcelain tiles in a light concrete colour. TAL
technical representative, Schalk Pelzer, states that the company supplied
TAL Goldstar 6 for the floor and TAL Goldstar 12 for the wall tile installations.
“TAL Goldstar 6 is a rapid-setting, high-strength, grey powder adhesive
ideal for fixing porcelain and dark-coloured granite, marble and natural stone
tiles to walls and floors in interior and exterior installations. It is shrinkage
compensated and allows traffic after 6 hours, depending on conditions.
TAL Goldstar 12 boasts the same features, but is quick-setting rather than
rapid-setting, allowing traffic after 12 hours, and is suitable for ceramic,
porcelain and terrazzo tiles,” he says.
Due to the fact that the interior of the building features limited-support
steel structure staircases that can experience substantial deflection and
vibration movement, TAL specified the use of a highly flexible adhesive
system, namely TAL Goldflex mixed with TAL Bond, to ensure that the tile
installations on the staircases are able to withstand the extreme conditions.
TAL is ISO 9001:2008 quality management system certified and its
products are designed, manufactured and tested to TAL standards, thereby
providing customers with full peace-of-mind that products will perform to
exact specifications. As a world-class local manufacturer, TAL develops
laboratory-tested bespoke tiling solutions in the quickest turnaround times.
“We also offer dedicated after-sales and onsite technical support. The
successful completion of this high-profile and large-scale project is proof
of our unrivalled local capabilities,” Pelzer concludes.
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