A central collaboration and coffee area is located on each floor,
which is connected vertically by a communication stairway. Each
floor offers different types of meeting spaces and work settings
to encourage people to move between the floors, depending on
the type of setting required.
“The company has seen an increase in collaboration between
the teams and the different business units,” comments
Schoombie. The overall design aesthetic is colourful and inviting,
while still retaining a corporate feel. Inclusion of amenities such
as a staff restaurant, training facility and client meeting area has
been met with a very positive response.
Building commenced on the back of a commitment from
Bidvest to lease 9,000m 2 . The rest of the development was
done on risk by the developer, but mitigation steps in this regard
included designing smaller floor plates for the speculative portion,
ensuring sub-divisibility of the floor plates and providing at least
two terraces per plate.
Employee satisfaction has also increased due to the design,
largely due to the maximisation of natural light, collaborative
coffee areas and the use of colour and natural planting on the
office floor plates. Class A ceiling tiles enhance the acoustic
quality of the office areas.
Bidvest 61