Architect and Builder Sep/Oct 2024 | Page 52

Site The site , formerly a level asphalt play space known as the Boltzplatz , is located on the slopes of Signal Hill , nestled amongst indigenous Renosterveld vegetation , and complemented with panoramic views across Cape Town ’ s city bowl . The rear of the site was already contained by an existing slopeside excavation which gives the site its unique character . The front of the site , due to its orientation , has unparalleled panoramic views but is prone to high Southeast wind conditions during Cape Town ’ s summer .
Design KMH Architects was selected as the winning architecture firm following the STEM Centre competition . The design process leading up to the competition submission , and the subsequent award , was conducted during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in late 2020 . The KMH design team included 2 firm partners , 2 project architects , and 2 interns allowing for a wide range of experience and ideas to be tabled and workshopped , all of which was done completely remotely , over a month-long design and produc-
52 DSK STEM Centre