Below : South Elevation
to secure a feeling of space in what will ultimately become a totally high rise environment .
As The Median finds itself in the centre of the action in Rosebank , it was decided not to add communal facilities other than the pocket park in the atrium . The building surrounds abound with activities and nightlife .
The Design Andre Wapenaar , director at MWC , says , “ As I ’ m sure is secretly the case with many designers , we initially drew inspiration from ‘ Dr Internet ’ and thus from what other designers , charged with similar briefs , had done before . Thereafter , as I ’ m sure is also often the case , historical precedent becomes the informative backbone of the design .
What was clear from the get-go however , was that if the building were to become any sort of icon at all , it would need to be a type of urban scale sculpture , boasting an urban scale iconography whilst addressing the human scale of the largely pedestrianised mall of upper Tyrwhitt Avenue that it would become part of .”
Façade Quite early on in the design process the sensuous curve of the skeletal balcony arrangement was thus decided upon as the form that was going to pull the design together on an urban scale , together with the full height atrium window over the entrance in Tyrwhitt Avenue . The bay window was later embellished with a 16-floor finial which would reflect in the glass by day , much like the floral reflections in the windows of Mackintosh ’ s Glasgow Art School , and would be silhouetted in the glow of the backlit window by night .
The Median 35