Architect and Builder Retail Retrospective | Page 26

Right : Bench in Classical Mall
Opposite Page Left : Detail of balustrading in the Victorian Mall
Opposite Page Centre : Classical Mall balustrading with planter in the foreground
Opposite Page Right : Decorative panel detailing in the Victorian Mall out of polystyrene coated material . The artists were supported in the development of various sculptures , theme paintings , wrought iron steel works , plaster mouldings and many other related items .
Another example is the demising columns . These decorative columns separate the various shops and have a moulded Corinthian capitol which looks like stone but is cast in Jesmonite .
Shopfronts were designed to allow for different styles and effects . A range of materials allows for and encourages variety . 3.6m high shopfronts ( higher than the standard ) were designed to enhance visibility .
The complex was built of post-tensioned concrete in order to be cost-effective , but this resulted in the necessity for co-ordinated ‘ guesswork ’ about the future needs of tenants , almost all of which , fortunately , proved correct .
26 Canal Walk