Architect and Builder Offices Retrospective | Page 55

exiting , it enfolds the hierarchic boardroom and annunciates the Innovation Hub Plaza beyond . Apollo and Dionysus are heightened by the presence of their nemesis .
On the front façade , the quiet cadence of the Apollonian colonnade subdues and lulls into a sense of quietude , whilst Dionysus dances alluringly in the background . Balconies and office windows retreat on the harshly exposed west façade .
Internally , the office spaces of ground and first floor , an interrupted doughnut , enfold a space of collective gathering , the atrium , celebrated by the skylight overhead . Servant spaces that define the shorter aspects of the atrium are expressed and denoted by means of a red facebrick .
Conclusion The new R59 million offices for leading consulting engineering group , Bigen Africa , were officially opened by Minister Trevor Manuel at The Innovation Hub in Pretoria in April 2007 . According to Bigen Africa CEO , Francois Swart , at the opening ceremony , taking up residence in the new 5,300m 2 headquarters building – Africa ’ s first internationally accredited Science & Technology Park – was a momentous occasion in the company ’ s 25 year history in Pretoria . The building is adjacent to the Sappi Technology Centre . Due to its continued growth , and its positive view of the future and further development at The Innovation Hub , Bigen Africa has applied for a second phase building on the precinct .
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