The conceptual design for the Central
Square boutique mall is based on the principle
that the development is to be seen as
forming an integral part of a mixed use ‘city
centre” rather than a regular, stand alone
shopping centre.
The Central Square portion of Menlyn is to
be the heart of the newly developed Menlyn
suburb and the intention is for Central Square
to be the future ‘Third Place’, following on
from Home and Work. For visitors, surrounding
office users and particularly residents, Central
Square is to become not only their local retail
destination of choice but also the place the relax
and entertain after hours.
The intent was to use long lasting high end
materials that would stand the test of time rather
than require the mall to be subject to ongoing
renovation due to the materials used. Brick,
stone, glazing and a Rheinzink cladding was the
basic palette chosen.
Central Square