Architect and Builder November/December 2018 | Page 9

Electrical furniture specialists. Integrating technology into furniture with elegantly functional solutions. PLETTENBERG BAY MAGISTRATES COURT MAKES AN IMPACT ON THE N2 The Plettenberg Bay Magistrate Court project is part catalyst to a broader Civic Precinct envisaged which will eventually straddle the N2 National Road. The final boundaries of the Court site were determined after an urban development plan, tabled by B2 Architects, was approved and implemented by the City. It proposed that two buildings anchor the urban upgrade, those being a new Public Library and the Court Building. The Court design developed through three distinct stages over a protracted period of time as the Department of Justice finalised the project scope. The built project was conceived in early 2013 when the final brief was tabled. B2 Architects set out to establish a contemporary context in the precinct for future projects to build upon. It was thus important for the Court building to present a distinct bold language - a landmark to announce the precinct. Inspiration for the façade came from an observation by the project architect of the lines and crevices etched into rocks found on the beaches in the region. The Court building footprint occupies the majority of the site with much of the external envelope defining the site boundary. The raked concrete walled East and West Façades bookend the glass and aluminium curtain walls to the North and South. A secondary layer of fenestration in the form of aluminium boxes is added in order to reinforce the concept of the rock formations mentioned above. Both the Library and Court are accessed off a public promenade that separates the two buildings. The two sites, although visually connected, are physically separated by a sculptural wall for security reasons. Landscaping is integrated with the walls to soften the visual transition with both terminating in a public amphitheatre. The four storey structure is conventionally concrete framed for the most part with steel elements to compliment. Finishes were chosen to reduce the need for maintenance and are a combination of concrete, riven stone cladding, natural stone, glass and aluminium. The interior is a reflection of the external language though softer in application. Dramatic light through shadows and reflections, created by the sun shining through the criss-cross aluminium fenestration, is considered part of the décor. All spaces offer unique vistas as a result of the irregular fenestration. The DotPro is a complimentary addition to any workstation. Quick and easy access to a power source. Sleek low profi le design allowing maximum fl exibility. Ideal for high-end computer workstations. The Grid Range offers a clean, functional presence with a limitless selection of options, customised to meet your individual needs. T: +27 11 701 2024 E: [email protected] News Watch 9 d4-leading-architecture-1-4page-vertical.indd 1 30 May 2018 11:06:50