Architect and Builder November/December 2015 | Page 72

Whyte House Innovates for Challenging Environments The installation of sanitaryware in institutions and in high traffic public spaces provides a specific set of challenges S tandard sanitaryware designs in porcelain and stainless steel can be easily damaged through vandalism and heavy usage. The need to constantly replace damaged units seriously impacts on limited budgets and lowers standards of hygiene. Standard toilet and basin designs often also allow the attachment of some form of ligature, which is obviously not desirable in an institutional environment. Architects are often challenged by the specific requirements of institutional design and the lack of specialised products to cater for these needs. Whyte House Sanitaryware offers a solution. Innovative range for challenging environments Based in Cape Town, Whyte House Sanitaryware is a leader in innovation and design, working to constantly improve a range of vandal resistant and anti-ligature sanitaryware. Realising the specific requirements of State and local government facilities called for a specialised product, Whyte House has worked with users in this environment to design a range of toilets, basins and urinals. The result is highly durable sanitaryware, accompanying flush mechanisms and water controls designed This Whyte House basin was designed and added to the range of products for specific applications 70 Because the products cannot be penetrated by dirt particles, the products can simply be cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soap. Stronger deposits can be removed using warm water and a liquid cleaning agent. The designs have rounded, smooth surfaces that do not allow for the attachment of ligatures. Whilst developed with specific usage constraints in mind, the range still retains a stylish design that also allows its use in non institutional environments such as public toilets, shopping centres and schools. The Whyte House basin and pedestal is vandal resistant and its unique design enhances consumer comfort to normalise the environment, with antivandal and anti-ligature features to help prevent abuse and protect the safety, security and well-being of both the user and staff. The use of the Whyte House range will maximise life span and minimise costs in public institutions such as prisons and hospitals as well as other public spaces. Materials The range is manufactured from polymeric materials. The products are non porous and homogeneous with the same composition throughout the thickness of the material. The warm, smooth, non porous surface offers a distinctive advantage over other materials. Anyone sitting on the toilet, with a moulded on toilet seat, will find the material comfortable against the skin’s surface, creating a sensation that immediately puts the user at ease. The smooth silky seamlessness of our sanitaryware products presents another advantage when it comes to cleaning. Flush Mechanisms These Sanitaryware products are universal and can receive any flushing mechanism, however Whyte House recommends the use of vandal resistant flushing devices available from Cobra Watertech as they have proven to be durable in conjunction with the vandal resistant sanitaryware. Vandal resistant flush mechanism by Cobra Watertech A household name in South Africa, Cobra Watertech’s SABS approved mechanisms ensure reliable functioning once installed. The mechanisms are available in both manual and electronic versions. Plumblink has been successfully distributing the Whyte House range for over two years. With branches countrywide, Plumblink is able to provide expert advice on the product range and its installation. Contact Plumblink: 021 799 4400 Advertorial