Eyethu Shopping Centre
The iconic Eyethu Theatre in Soweto , home to one of the first black-owned cinemas in South Africa , has been revitalised and transformed into a contemporary community hub while preserving a local legacy that began in 1969 with the late Ephraim Batana Tshabalala and the Tshabalala family .
The Eyethu Theatre in Mofolo , Soweto was built in 1969 and became a cultural and historical landmark in the heart of South Africa ’ s largest and most iconic township . The cinema was a fixture on the community landscape - a place for locals to come together and enjoy the latest movies , culture and entertainment .
The driving force behind the cinema was Soweto entrepreneur Ephraim Tshabalala . The pride of Tshabalala ’ s empire was the Eyethu Theatre . Eyethu was more than just a cinema ; various community events were hosted here and it holds fond memories for many Sowetans . Sadly , the once-bustling cinema closed in the 1990s with competition from multiplexes and streaming and the building fell into disrepair . It has since been recognised as a significant heritage , cultural and social site .
The Tshabalala Family have long dreamt of restoring the theatre to its former social relevance for the community . In 2018 the family found a partner that could help them unlock their vision . Some 30 years after the theatre shut its doors and , as result of a joint venture of the Tshabalala Family with Abland Property Developers , the theatre has finally been reanimated and once again become a thriving hub for the people of Soweto .
The original cinema building has been restored and repurposed into a Heritage Hall that pays tribute to the late Ephraim Tshabalala and the history that is displayed in preserved artworks of the theatre . The Heritage Hall has been incorporated into a new shopping centre , and together they serve as a symbol of the community ’ s enduring resilience and determination , designed to inspire a new generation of culture and community .
Conveniently for the community , and friendly for the environment , the centre includes its own solar power and will trade during load shedding . It has taxi laybys for public transport and easily accessible ongrade parking , with special consideration given to safe pedestrian access .
Owner / Client : Eyethu Joint Venture Developer : Abland Property Developers Architect : DBM Architects Project Managers : Abland Property Developers Quantity Surveyor : Matla Quantity Surveyors Civil Engineer & Structural Engineer : L & S Structural Engineers Mechanical Engineers : Ingplan Consulting Engineers Electrical Engineers : RWP Consulting Engineers Fire Consultant : RKA & Associates Main Contractor : Edilcon Construction
SAPOA Awards 67