Architect and Builder Nov/Dec 2024 | Page 56

Nelson Mandela University Science Centre
The Nelson Mandela University ( NMU ) Science Centre was established as an expression of the University ’ s commitment to being an engaged institution , dedicated to using its resources , students and staff in pursuit of building a social justice-oriented learning society . It is a dynamic hub designed to cater to learners , students , academics and the wider public . Funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training ’ s Infrastructure Efficiency Grant , the building aims to democratise the public ’ s access to science . Scientists will share complex concepts with the public and engage in discussions with them , while the exhibitions will be interactive .
The brief to architects SVA International called for the design of a new Science Centre which would also accommodate a new state-of-the-art 150-seater digital planetarium installation .
From the onset the decision was taken to set the building back from the main arterial movement route on the eastern edge , thereby creating a public plaza and gathering space . Situated in a very visible position as one enters the Nelson Mandela University Campus , the building ’ s eastern edge along this plaza is then further extended as landscape onto the public realm , thus creating a ‘ living edge ’, allowing visitors to circulate both vertically and horizontally within a multi-levelled terrace .
The building is conceptualised as a multi-layered pavilion allowing for maximum spatial flexibility while capturing the notion of science in academia . The main spatial components include the planetarium Dome which creates the main focal and formal element within the composition . This is placed off-axis on plan as a datum within the double-volume foyer , in turn inviting visitors on a journey prior to entering the Dome and further allowing them to experience the building in a 3-dimensional manner . The dome structure itself is a composite layer of steel and concrete with a specialised digital installation within .
Visitors approach the main entrance to the building up a series of planted stepped terraces , which serve as both the access point as well as an interactive space that facilitates social gathering and interactivity with the building . The entrance also becomes part of the public space of the campus , inviting passing students to gather . Before entering the building , a series of raised , interactive skylights built at differing heights and angles offer the visitor diverse views inside the building . As the building will often be used at night , careful consideration was given to how the building was lit .
Choice of materiality was dictated by both a contemporary aesthetic in line with client requirements as well as consideration for maintenance due to proximity to the ocean . Off-shutter concrete , expansive floor to ceiling glazing as well as cladding are used to differentiate the various design components of the building .
56 SAPOA Awards