Architect and Builder Nov/Dec 2024 | Page 45

The Design A new undulating cast in-situ concrete roof was added over the main living space , floating on a steel frame above high-level windows that wrap around all four sides . From the street , only a tantalising glimpse of the sculptural form of the roof is visible beyond the entrance . This concrete shell ’ s curvaceous , billowing shape takes inspiration from the waves of the ocean and the mountains behind the house , but it also has a practical rationale .
Internally , the ceiling ‘ pushes up ’ above clerestory windows to frame views of Table Mountain and Lion ’ s Head above and behind the house .
To the front , it rises to scoop in expanses of sky . These focal points enhance the home ’ s connection to its beautiful natural setting and draw natural light deep into its interior . Similarly , the roof of the master bedroom in the adjacent wing has been peeled back and lifted upwards to capture the views .
Wave Villa 45