Architect and Builder Nov/Dec 2024 | Page 35

bridge across the N7 without signage spilling out all over the main façade of the building . The possibility for a future wing exists to the east of the Checkers anchor .
Retail Layout The development is laid out with the main spine of the mall between Food Lover ’ s market and the Checkers anchors at the extremities of the spine . A Clicks pharmacy is a sub-anchor and is located in-between the main supermarket anchors . Along the spine the line shops and fashion stores are laid out with the majority being national retailers . A small covered restaurant piazza is formed at the
one end , flanked by restaurants and a coffee shop . There is also a small wing of outside facing shops for destinational tenants like Checkers Outdoor .
3.2m high shopfronts are visually increased in size by introducing signage panels above the shopfronts that has the effect of becoming part of the shopfronts . The walkway canopies are also high to provide ample visibility to the shops and their signage under the canopy .
Conclusion De Zwartland Markt is a successful example of a small regional mall perfectly positioned to take advantage of the growth in this developing area .
De Zwartland Markt 35