Architect and Builder Nov/Dec 2024 | Page 11

The campus will include laboratories and bespoke workspaces for its various schools , such as workshops for engineering students and technology labs for IT students . “ For example , the concept of the staircase as more than a vertical connector inspired our design of an atrium that blends movement with gathering spaces . While it fulfils the original purpose of a vertical channel to move people from point A to B , it ’ s also an amphitheatre , with integrated seating built in . There ’ s room for people to move through the space , but also to sit in it ,” says Landseer .
Given that the STADIO campus is linked to the Curro Durbanville school campus via an underpass , the wider area can be viewed as an educational precinct . There will be certain shared sports facilities , and both areas border on commercial and mixed-use nodes .
Landseer adds that STADIO has been open to engaging consultations and has given BPAS architectural freedom to think differently about the campus in comparison to traditional education institutions . BPAS is proud to collaborate with an institution that is addressing the student challenge of getting accepted into higher education institutions in the Western Cape . It ’ s exciting to be part of this new development which addresses the needs of South Africa ’ s youth and looks forward to turning their designs into reality .
Project Watch 11