Architect and Builder Nov/Dec 2023 | Page 55

roof all aim to create an environment in which a student community can develop and thrive .
As the site is situated in a bustling , prominent location within the city , it was vital that the development engaged with and responded to its context , visually and physically , whilst maintaining a secure environment for the students . Stepping the building back to create ground level outdoor spaces , assists to scale the building in the context and soften the thresholds between the public and private .
The existing building on the site , previously a Doves funeral home , was transformed to house the common areas for the new scheme . The design respects the old and reinvigorates these spaces by introducing new occupancies , colour and furniture to celebrate the existing textures and geometries .
The overall intent was to develop a scheme where a student community can be established and thrive , creating safe and vibrant spaces in which students can interact with their environment and with one another . Branding was also a key aspect to enhance the community lifestyle by providing students with a sense of place .
furniture can be repositioned in other areas and still look appropriate . The courtyard is also multifunctional with bench seating on the perimeter and a platform to the side creating a central events space .
Flexible and Multi-functional Flexibility within a student community is key to enable the students and operators to appropriate and customise their personal and common spaces . Fixed furniture is limited so that spaces can be easily transformed as needed . A consistent palette throughout means the
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