Architect and Builder Nov/Dec 2023 | Page 43

At the heart of the hospital ’ s ambiance is an innovative lighting system that utilises soft and gentle illumination . Natural light floods through large windows , creating a connection to the outside world . Additionally , carefully placed artificial lighting fixtures create a warm and inviting glow throughout the facility . The combination of natural and artificial light helps to reduce stress and create a soothing environment for patients , their families and the medical staff .
Simplified Wayfinding Navigating a large hospital can be overwhelming for patients and visitors . Recognising this
challenge , the hospital has implemented a simplified wayfinding system . The layout has been carefully designed to ensure clear and intuitive paths , minimising the potential for confusion . Signage and visual cues are strategically placed throughout the facility , guiding patients seamlessly from one area to another . This thoughtful approach to wayfinding helps reduce stress and enhances the overall patient experience .
Central Vertical Circulation At the core of the hospital ’ s design is a central vertical circulation system . This architectural feature acts as a focal point and serves as a
Johannesburg Surgical 43