Architect and Builder Nov/Dec 2023 | Page 23

Celebrating Design Design Quarter was launched in 2005 as a hub for design and interiors . The reconfiguration has improved circulation and flow with greater accessibility and connection between the covered parking area below to the new piazza , restaurants , new stores as well as existing stores . A new ramp down to the existing covered parking removes the need for customers to walk the length of the mall from the escalators and lifts at the far end of the centre . Instead , they can now park right under the piazza and access it directly via a vertical node of lifts , stairs and escalators .
The décor offering has been bolstered by Cielo Lifestyle ’ s largest store in South Africa and the expansion of several other stores to create the ultimate lifestyle destination . Mr Price Home has been relocated within the centre and now is positioned between Coricraft and Cielo in the indoor section of the centre .
The revamped undercover retail area in Design Quarter features original art , with sculptures lining the new repositioned and refurbished retail street . Overhead , hanging greenery softens the highvolume area bathed in natural light . The retail street now includes several pause areas and
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