Woodridge Packhouse
The Woodridge Packhouse is situated in Addo in the Eastern Cape . The building is 22,000m 2 under roof with a triple storey integrated office within the footprint . There is an internal box distribution mezzanine which is linked to a concrete mezzanine . There is also a box bridge spanning 40m all the way from a box store to the internal mezzanine . Stand out elements of the project are the spacial planning and the synergy of the functions within a relatively simple building footprint .
The rectangular form was chosen due to its flexibility in allowing for future expansion and the ease of moving equipment and machinery around . However the client wanted to create something different from a standard packhouse design . At ± 300m long , the challenge was to add interest along these long spans , creating various spaces for visitors and workers . Taking inspiration from the protective netting that covers the orchids , a ‘ skin ’ covers the rectangular form of the building . The building is divided into various bays , with the roof lifted at some sections , adding more interest to the façade and also allowing more natural light into the packhouse . The challenge was to work with angles , allowing more light
for a better work environment , whilst not effecting the quality of the fruit .
Another main objective was to look at the entire development as a campus for the farm itself . The campus is divided into five sections : the office block , the main packhouse superstructure , the canteen and the box store . Various thresholds in the office block were created through the use of the triple volume courtyards which then lead to double volume spaces and eventually into single story offices . Structurally the building required minimal columns and needed to span vast areas in order not to inhibit the flow of vehicles , produce , people or machines . A total of 688 tons of structural steel was used and comprised of cold formed lip channels , circular hollow sections , angle irons and both I and H beams .
Principal Agent : STANCE Consulting Engineers Architect : CMAI Structural & Civil Engineer : STANCE Consulting Engineers Steel Contractor : Uitenhage Super Steel Sheeting Contractor : Skyclad Roofing Contractors
94 Steel Awards