SAISC Steel Awards
nnovation , ingenuity and a sense of community within the steel construction industry were recently showcased , when participants across the local steel value chain gathered to attend the highlight of the annual steel industry calendar – the 2022 Southern African Institute of Steel Construction ( SAISC ) Steel Awards . This event , which demonstrates excellence in the use of steel in construction , was the first in-person Steel Awards held since 2019 , prior to the Covid-19 pandemic . The 2022 Awards very effectively highlighted how the local steel sector has triumphed over adversity in the past two years ; as well as showcasing a typically South African ‘ can-do ’ approach to the challenges endured during this time .
The annual Steel Awards provide an opportunity for stakeholders across the industry - including engineers , fabricators , designers , architects , processors , merchants and fabricators - to present their work and be honoured for their outstanding achievements .
Members of the Benguela Gem project team with Amanuel Gebremeskel , CEO of the South African Institute of Steel Construction ( SAISC )
Local ingenuity and commendable perseverance SAISC CEO Amanuel Gebremeskel explained : “ Even before the global pandemic , South Africa ’ s steel industry had gone through a period of severe challenges . The ‘ green shoots ’ theme is an acknowledgement of the importance of continuing to navigate through troubled times . It is also a tribute to our much-loved former CEO , the late Paolo Trinchero , who did so much for South Africa ’ s steel industry .
He was a passionate proponent of the concept of promoting growth throughout the steel sector - or ‘ green shoots ’ as he put it - and that one must keep on moving forward and pushing through , even when times are tough . I know he would have been so proud of this year ’ s entries , which are even more noteworthy because they were completed during this very difficult pandemic era .”
Gebremeskel explained that many steel construction projects globally were stalled during the Covid pandemic and yet members of the South African steel industry managed to drive projects through to completion .
“ A number of high-quality , truly excellent projects have been showcased at this year ’ s annual Steel Awards , and I believe this is a testimony to our character as a nation - as well as the value which the SAISC brings to the local steel construction industry . The SAISC is one of only 6 Steel Institutes around the world , and has a long history as a ‘ steel sector sage ’: a custodian of technical knowledge , an educational resource and a trusted authority .”
“ The SAISC is extremely grateful to its sponsors , who have made the event possible through their generous sponsorships . We would like to thank Safal Steel , Bolt and Engineering , BSi Steel , ProRoof , NJR Steel , Macsteel , Safintra South Africa , Global Roofing Solutions , Unica Iron and Steel , ASTPM , and Stewarts & Lloyds ,” says Gebremeskel .
I believe the Institute - together with our valued Steel Awards entrants , sponsors , members and partners - has proven once again how much can be achieved across the local steel value chain when all players persevere for the continued success and sustainability of the steel industry ,” he concludes .
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