The architecture is defined by a series of buildings strategically placed in the landscape . The upper campus contains the buildings with the more public functions like the Admin building , the Sangkep ( assembly ) and the cafeteria , where the lower campus contains the Heart of the School and Kindi , Primary , Middle and High school building clusters . The buildings are surrounded by permaculture gardens , fruit and nut trees . The individual classroom buildings are arranged around courtyards providing outdoor spaces for each cluster of buildings . The buildings are
provided with large openings connecting them to the natural landscape - a fundamental pillar of the Green School .
Upon arriving at the school , a landscaped gabion werf wall leads the visitor into the Admin building . The building consists of Reception , meeting pod , board room , teachers lounge and sick bay . The building is roofed with a sloping roof with a large gutter for rainwater collection .
The Heart of the School is the centre of the precinct were all the paths converge . The building is defined by three boulder-like shapes
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