PUBLISHER / EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING Louise Fenner 082 572 4707 louisef @ archibuild . co . za
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PUBLISHER / DESIGN Peter Fenner-Solomon peter @ archibuild . co . za
ACCOUNTS accounts @ archibuild . co . za
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TELEPHONE 082 572 4707 EMAIL louisef @ archibuild . co . za
AfriSam South Africa 3 www . afrisam . co . za
AngelShack Sales SA www . angelshack . co . za
ASP Fire www . aspfire . co . za
Blok 38 www . blok . co . za
C - D
C3 Climate Control Consulting Engineers 53 www . c3eng . co . za
Cairnmead Industrial Consultants 23 www . cairnmead . co . za
Cosentino www . cosentino . com
Databuild 39 www . industryinsite . co . za
David Hellig & Abrahamse 38 www . dhaa . co . za
Duravit South Africa www . duravit . co . za
F - G
Fenco Fire Engineers & Consultants 23 www . fenco . co . za
Frost International 52 www . frostint . com
GASS Architecture Studios 23 www . gass . co . za
Gelderblom Consulting Engineers 23 hendri @ gelderblomconsult . co . za
Nsika Architecture & Design 53 www . nsika . com
OneZero Consulting 23 www . onezero . co . za
Quanticost 53 www . quanticost . co . za
Radiant Group 19 www . radiant . co . za
Regent Lighting Solutions 66 , 67 www . regentlight . co . za
Rider Levett Bucknall 23 www . rlb . com
Roll-Up Serranda 65 www . rollup . co . za
RWP Consulting Engineers 53 www . rwp . co . za
Solutions for Elevating 23 www . s4e . co . za
SOM 53 , 65 www . som . co . za
Sutherland 38 www . sutherlandengineers . com
SVA International 38 www . svarchitects . com
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Giflo Property Developers 53 , 64 www . giflogroup . co . za |
T - W |
If you were involved on any of the projects / features in our next issue and would like to advertise or contribute material please contact Louise Fenner on 082 572 4707 .
9 Palms Cape Town Station Project Hebron Mall Irene Link Building E The Rubik Omnia Interior
Graeme Page Consulting Engineers 23 www . gpce . co . za
Graham Berman Refrigeration Services 52 www . gbrefrigeration . co . za
H - K
HFO Construction 38 www . hfo . co . za
IBP Central Construction Project Managers 23 www . ibp-central . co . za
Klay 4 www . klayconcept . com
MDS Architecture 12 www . mdsarch . co . za
Moffat ’ s Creations 65 albert @ moffatscreations . co . za thinkspace 53 www . thinkspace . global
Trencon Construction 23 www . trencon . co . za
WAUW Architects 38 www . wauw . co . za
WBHO Construction 23 , 53 www . wbho . co . za
Wills Franklin Pretorius 53 admin @ wf-p . co . za
www . archibuild . co . za
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