Architect and Builder May/Jun 2024 | Page 65

Commercial , Industrial & Retail Developments
Proudly involved on AVBOB
Manufacture and Servicing of Domestic , Sectional , Commercial & Industrial Roller Shutter Doors
Roll-Up Serranda is a manufacturer of high-quality , custom made galvanised and aluminium roller shutters , domestic and sectional doors , servicing the commercial , industrial and domestic markets for over 70 years . With a network of distributors both locally and across Africa , Roll-Up Serranda offers a versatile and aesthetic product range that provides safety , security and access solutions , including specialised applications such as fire , hurricane-force winds , temperature control , access control and high speed .
www . som . co . za info @ som . co . za | 010 591 2696
CONTACT US Head Office : 011 494 5809 Cape Town : 021 931 3112 Durban : 031 709 0694
Email : doors @ rollup . co . za Website : www . rollup . co . za Also out-lying areas & international
Moffat ’ s Creations manufacture and create bespoke shopfitting . We offer everything that entails interior and exterior features and fittings
We are proud to have been associated with AVBOB . With over 26 years experience and a few international awards under our belt our dedicated team of skilled craftsmen take great pride in our craft .
082 339 7921 albert @ moffatscreations . co . za