Architect and Builder May/Jun 2024 | Page 29

which will eventually incorporate a full running track linked to Innisfree Park , encourages residents to enjoy the open outdoor spaces .
By activating “ inbetween spaces ” in this manner , the precinct masterplan actively encourages community life . The open spaces become an extension of the residents ’ living spaces and are incorporated into their day-to-day lives , contributing to their general quality of life and fostering social cohesion .
Through its maintenance of the park and the introduction of convenience shopping ( easily accessible via public transport and main arteries ), Barlow Park contributes value to the wider urban context , functioning as an integrated ‘ city within a city ’ rather than a suburban island severed from its context .
Sustainability Barlow Park has been designed and built in accordance with EDGE Certification requirements .
Water is sourced , treated and stored on site , thus not unnecessarily burdening the city ’ s infrastructure . Solar power and an array of systems that supplement , store and reduce power consumption are woven into the working of the buildings , too .
Innovative systems harvest exhaust air from the retail centre ’ s chiller plants to heat water for the building . Much more is planned for the following stages of the development , including the possibility of using a water attenuation dam as a heat sink .
Conclusion Take-up exceeded expectations and resulted in the first residential phase being fully let in its first month . The first 300 apartments were occupied in January 2024 . Curro Barlow Park also opened this year and is fully operational . The second phase of residential apartments was recently launched .
THIS PAGE : 1 Bedroom and Studio Apartments
Barlow Park 29