HVAC A system of negative air pressure keeps hazardous fumes or airborne toxins from flowing out of laboratories and into adjacent areas . A powerful ventilation and filtration plant continuously draws air out of laboratories and to the top of the building , where it is filtered and released .
With the high quality and quantity of air needed for the laboratories , conference , and meeting facilities throughout the building , the extent of the HVAC had a massive impact on the architecture . Instead of hiding all the services the architects decided to make some of them visible as it is such an integral part of the functioning of the building . The BMRI boasts advanced energy recovery technology fitted to the air system that reduces the building ’ s carbon footprint compared to other similar buildings .
Conclusion The Biomedical Research Institute at Stellenbosch University is a remarkable architectural marvel that embodies the fusion of scientific innovation and aesthetic design . This stateof-the-art facility stands as a testament to the university ’ s commitment to advancing medical research and healthcare .
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