Architect and Builder May/Jun 2023 | Page 23

As opposed to the more imposing style of Phase 1 , which faced the much busier urban streetscape of Lynwood Road , directly facing the entrance to the University of Pretoria , Phase 2 is located in a quieter , more suburban street and the building is more residential in scale , starting with the three story streetscape façade and becoming progressively larger in scale as the building progresses further back on the site . The buildings of Phase 2 are arranged around the periphery of
the site to allow for a striking central courtyard with both natural and social elements contributing to a great space for students to congregate . This is in juxtaposition to the eight storeys of Phase 1 which has the social spaces located on the roof . Phase 2 surprisingly accommodates more rooms than Phase 1 – 246 compared to 199 – but spread out over a lower building density .
The long mass of the main street facing façade of Phase 2 is broken up by a wide staircase
Brooklyn House 23