Architect and Builder May 2022 | Page 7

To help catapult Decorex Africa into its brightly reimagined future , a new architectural curator has been appointed to aid in steering the Cape Town and Joburg shows in the jaw-dropping , industry-changing direction the organisers , RX Africa , have envisaged . Respected local architect , Theo Bothma , is on board to set the tone and vet exhibitors to ensure the best in class and in best practice . He joins fellow Decorex Africa curator , Bielle Bellingham , who is also newly appointed to helm the show ’ s content .
An active architect and interior designer , Bothma established Theo Bothma Architects and Design ( TBAD ) in 2017 , and continues there as both founder and the firm ’ s director , bringing over 10 years of industry experience to his role . He has captured the idea of luxury design on both a national and international scale . His experience has helped create a design service that emphasises client consideration as each design is personalised and unique . He believes that design should be bespoke and allow people to experience personalised luxury .
What this extensive hands-on experience means for Decorex Africa , its exhibitors and trade guests , is that Theo intimately understands the industry and what it needs .
“ The future of the built environment is driven by collaboration . The connection between the built environment and technology will see an increase in more self-sufficient and sustainable designs . The influence of automated and digital architecture and design will change the way in which design is experienced ,” he says .
With regard to his role as Decorex Africa curator and his plans to reimagine the Build section , Bothma believes that “ by carefully selecting different and original participants for Decorex 2022 , we can open up the view of the building sector . By having a wide range of participants from various sectors , we are encouraging collaboration . By highlighting the importance of collaboration , we will enhance the value of all sectors within the industry , allowing design to flourish .”
Decorex Africa is taking place at the CTICC from 16-19 June 2022 and at the Sandton Convention Centre from 28-31 July 2022 .
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Theo Bothma
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