Architect and Builder March 2021 | 页面 8

Winter is Here - Take Advantage !

By Frederich van Niekerk Executive Director , Agora Africa www . agoraafrica . com

We have all experienced some sort of change in our business careers . A wise man once said : “ Nothing in life is certain , the only certainty is change ”. Does this mean we should simply accept our fate and wait it out ? Of course not : The key is to anticipate the change and to adapt effectively to it before the impact is irreversible .

We live in strange times , unfamiliar territory and , on a daily basis , everyone is scrambling to keep afloat , not knowing what lies around the next corner . And yet : Perhaps it is time to change our mindset before we attempt to conform or adapt to our environment .
Nowadays , every conversation inadvertently turns to the infamous Covid-19 topic . Negativity , pessimism , uncertainty and panic has become part and parcel of our lives . My philosophy has always been : You can either accept the reality that you are given , or you can change your own reality . It starts with your mindset . Creativity abhors pessimism or discouragement : You can only be truly creative if you are content . Remember , life and business work much like the seasons . Just as we experience seasons in nature , we experience seasons in the business world . It is a cycle that inevitably repeats itself regularly . The secret is to learn how to handle the winter and take advantage of the
8 Winter is Here