a communal lounge with fitted bar , as well as a show-stopping glass walled infinity swimming pool with views toward the Sandton skyline .
Site and Planning The site was previously a house with street frontage on both Rivonia and Melville Roads . During the rezoning process the Johannesburg Roads Agency ( JRA ) wanted vehicular access to be only from Melville Road , with the requirement being for pedestrian access and activity on Rivonia Road .
One of the primary design issues was separating uses without an obvious divide within the building whilst maintaining security for each use . To assist in achieving this , the vehicular access was split at Melville Road into residents and office users . Residents park on the three basement levels , whilst office and retail users park on the five structured parking levels .
The core of the building is centrally located to maximise efficiency and the office and residential lifts were placed back-to-back . In order to maintain the exclusivity and security of each use , the ground floor and level 8 are the only floors that both the residential and office lifts stop on due to the communal facilities located on these levels .
Architectural Features The use of a floor to soffit unitised glazing system assisted in giving Illovo Central a sleek , modern aesthetic with a flush external finish . Large cantilevering balconies and strategic
52 Illovo Central