Architect and Builder Mar/Apr 2023 | Page 45

The lack of suitable services in the vicinity was originally a stumbling block with the Municipality . Once a proposal for the implementation of some on-site , off-grid services was submitted the project was able to move forward . These services included the installation a bio-plant to manage sewerage , a substantial rooftop solar photovoltaic installation and rainwater harvesting .
The site itself is quite steep , requiring substantial civil works and the excavation of as much as 6m in some sections . This excavation was necessary to ensure the centre was visible from the road as well as ensure practical access points from the highest levels of the site . The slope of the site is managed through the installation of retaining structures and walls . The centre is set back onto the southern boundary .
The Design Designed by SVA International , this 9,000m 2 centre is inspired by Cape Vernacular & Winelands Shed Architecture . The design was
Drakenstein Sentrum 45