Architect and Builder Mar/Apr 2023 | Page 35

store box . The simple , clean lines of the façade maximise the street frontage of the retails stores and provides optimal visibility for the tenants facing onto the car park .
As the retail shop fronts have large expanses of glass , slated screens were added to extend out from the façade to provide protection from the sun . The aluminium louvres are clad in a timber composite . This louvred design also broke the monotony of a standard canopy walkway . Slender , intersected steel columns
support the roof . The gray colour palette is followed through with mid gray floor tiles edged with a darker tile , forming a square pattern along the walkways .
Focal Points The use of a large dry stone triangular shaped planter and dry stone walling at the corner of the building creates a focal point as you walk up from the parking . The slope of the site is remedied by providing a gently sloping paved walkway from
Paarl Mall 35