Ridgeview is located in a suburban catchment area of the southern Johannesburg suburb of Roodepoort . The existing development consisted of a convenience centre anchored by Woolworths and largely empty shops . The buildings were in a state of disrepair and most of the space was unlet or occupied at below market rentals .
Despite this the shopping centre is actually extremely well located close to a major thoroughfare and within a thriving demographic . The reason for its demise was thus not location but a function of neglect and design . Architecturally the design was dated in the 1980 ’ s styled faux Tuscan style .
In terms of retail flows a design flaw was a small parking deck next to the anchor , with most of the parking located below servicing stand-alone shops without the benefit of an anchor at that level to drive the retail line shops .
The opportunity was realised when market research showed that the centre was situated in a solid income bracket and had to be driven past to get to other convenience centres further away . Because of this there was interest from Checkers and Dis-Chem pharmacy to act as a catalyst for redevelopment .
From the outset it was realised that the key to unlocking the value was to update the centre with a contemporary look
to signify that it was a wholly new centre . The design was realised by introducing Dis-Chem as a sub-anchor on the upper ground floor with Woolworths and building a new , much larger parking deck . Checkers was introduced on the lower ground floor level as the anchor driving new line shops at that level . In addition an icon restaurant was introduced as a feature façade element .
The design is of a contemporary nature that does not in any way derive from what was extant previously . New architectural features maximum visibility for retailers . Fins on the façade create a changing spectrum of colour to animate the façade and provide interest . New covered walkways are at a height to enable tenant signage to be visible from all angles .
Architecturally the Tuscan theme was completely removed and contemporary architectural features in a much cleaner , modern idiom substituted as a comparison between the existing and proposed testify .
Developer : Retail Africa Architect : JLD Urban Design & Architecture Project Manager : Metrum Project Management Quantity Surveyor : SVR SA Main Contractor : JC Van der Linde & Venter Projects
Retail Watch 23