the cricket oval , auditorium , and the administration component ) and the private secure spaces on the south side ( dance and drama studios , music rooms , cafeteria , laboratories , and classrooms ). The dynamic plan layout enhances flow of users in and through the building .
Conclusion “ Curro Durbanville has grown from humble beginnings to become a solid education foundation for the Durbanville community and
surrounds . We believe this is a trailblazing next step in South African education . The new design and campus experience has been developed with our learners in mind ; it is they who will use the grounds and is why they became such an important stakeholder in the upgrade process . We are delighted to welcome our learners back to the newly renovated school that has so much of their inspiration embedded into its make-up ,” says Dirk van Zyl , Curro Durbanville ’ s Executive Head .
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