Architect and Builder Magazine South Africa November/December 2014 | Page 4
Despite the doom and gloom which can so easily overcome us, there is still a
great deal to be grateful for. In the context of the magazine, we have survived the
year without Diana – no mean feat – and Louise has proven to be a one-woman
powerhouse! She is motivated, involved and honestly passionate about the
magazine and all things architectural. Peter has continued to provide excellent
design and layout, while also coming up with exciting and noteworthy ideas to
take the magazine to greater heights. Our team may be small but we are all on
the same page with regards to the magazine: we love what we do and firmly
believe that Architect & Builder is an exceptional magazine – the fact that it has
been around for over 65 years, is testament to its success.
Shelley Woode-Smith
Shelley Woode-Smith
[email protected]
Louise Fenner-Solomon
[email protected]
Diana Woode
[email protected]
Peter Fenner-Solomon
[email protected]
Shelley Woode-Smith
Louise Fenner-Solomon
Bonnie Ah Shene
[email protected]
Peter Fenner-Solomon
[email protected]
We welcome articles, photographs and news items relating to
architecture, buildings, building
methods and building materials.
Good quality photographs are
vital. Only simple and clearly
drawn plans are suitable for printing. No reponsibility can be taken
for lost or damaged material.
The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily
those of the editor or publishers.
021 683 3766
021 671 7348
E-MAIL[email protected]
POSTBox 36090, Glosderry 7702
nbelievably, 2014 is almost at an end and the frenzy of the
Christmas season is upon us. It has been a challenging year for
both Architect & Builder and the country in general. From the
interminable post office strike, which had such a negative impact
on so many businesses, to the continuing Eskom crisis, South
Africans could do with a holiday!
This issue provides you with a great array of projects. We feature Quays at
Century City, another in a long line of extraordinarily successful developments
at this ever-growing precinct. 90 Grayston is a commercial office building in
Sandton which, according to the developers, ensures that the suburb remains
in line with the other advanced cities around the world. Our third project is
the refurbishment of Ruimsig Shopping Centre, located on the West Rand in
Gauteng. The mall showed the typical Tuscanesque design of the time in which
it was built (1980s) and the architects have updated and modernised the centre.
We have had a rather difficult time of late with projects being postponed
or cancelled at the very last minute. This issue was no exception and we found
ourselves scrabbling to fill the large void created by the sudden cancellation of
a long-scheduled project. Jer