Architect and Builder Magazine South Africa May/June 2015 | Page 68
2014 Corobrik
Architectural Student
The judges this year included Karuni
Naidoo, founder and owner of CNN
Architects in Durban. She gained
experience in her chosen profession
whilst working for a number of big
names in the architectural profession in
Durban before deciding to open her own
company in 1995. CNN has designed
houses, schools, hospitals, clinics, police
stations and other institutional buildings,
many of which are in in townships and
rural KZN. The practice has been the
recipient of a number of awards.
Chris Wilkinson, head of Chris Wilkinson
Architects, Tshwane, was a co-director of
Comrie Wilkinson Architects and Urban
designers from 2000 to 2010 before he
established Wilkinson Architects in early
2010. Wilkinson Architects is a dynamic
practice focusing on excellence in design,
and specializing in a variety of disciplines
such as residentia