Architect and Builder Magazine South Africa May/June 2014 | Page 52
The architecture is hoping
to set a benchmark
for the architectural
language of this precinct
for the impression of a collection of buildings.
Twenty four hour public pedestrian permeability
is maintained through the heart of the site,
through a collection of urban steps, canopies,
planters and other urban landscape responses,
bringing the pedestrian directly to a front
door address.
The site is accessed by vehicle from Kinetic
Way with parking allocations on surface grade;
1m up to a raised parking deck; and 2m down to
a full sub-basement level. The building entrance
is on the raised parking deck, accessible from
the street level directly at all hours, which has
been conceived as an urban square in feeling
and scale.
The floorplate of the building has been
carefully considered to maximise commercial
efficiency, while satisfying the urban responses
discussed above.
The façades have been articulated to enhance
the ‘gateway’ stature; they give measured
visual complexity while addressing appropriate