Architect and Builder Magazine South Africa March/April 2015 | Page 43

on this floor. The approximate GLA for each level varies from 1,780m2 on the ground floor to about 2,769m2 for first to fourth floors and 1,982m2 for the fifth floor, with a further 2,618m2 in basements. Building Geometry The building geometry is developed around a central core comprising four destination control lifts, one fireman’s/goods lift (linking all levels including all basement levels), and two fire escape and circulation stairs, ablution facilities including mobility impaired ablutions in both male and female ablutions, a janitor’s room and a tea kitchen. There is further provision for two pause areas adjacent to an escape stair on each level. Two dedicated areas for bulk filing are provided adjacent to the core. The surrounding floor plates are of varying floor depth from 12m to 27m to allow for flexibility in the space planning design. Façade Fenestration on the façade is limited to certain areas to allow for enough natural light in an open plan office environment, while reducing the amount of exposed fenestration on the south-western and north-western façades. There is sun screening on the north-western and north-eastern façades. The structural grid for the building is 8,4m x 8,4m. The roof comprises a waterproofed structural concrete slab to allow for accessibility and to accommodate the HVAC plant. Exterior Finishes The exterior of the building is finished in natural stone, Versus wall coating and curtain walls Acacia House designed to withstand wind loads expected on the ridge as well as offering the performance figures required to meet with building design. Access and Parking The building is positioned on the north-western side of a terraced podium / garden space. Total parking in the basement is approximately 748 bays providing 4,6 bays/100m2 of rentable office space. Access to the building is managed via two shuttle lifts linking all basement levels to the building lobby. Four lifts serve the office floors. All electrical plant, delivery areas, combined waste sorting and holding areas and change room facilities are located in dedicated areas in basement -4 with the sprinkler protection and potable water plant located in basement -4, beyond the extent of parking to the perimeter of the site. Engineering The project started with bulk earthworks to create four parking basement levels below Umhlanga Rocks Drive. The large basement was formed with soldier piles around the perimeter of the building and 50,000m3 of soil was carted off site. Skin friction augured piles were installed with an average length of 18m into the Berea Red supporting soils. A fast track construction program was implemented to meet the stringent time lines to hand the building over to FNB on time. The total building area is 38,000m2 over the four basements parking levels and six office floors. An 8.4m by 8.4m column grid was used and the structure mainly comprised pile caps, reinforced concrete columns, shear walls and post-tension flat slabs. At 43