Architects in Association (AiA) has developed a
new concept of professional practice. It is one
where architects form a fluid association on a
project to project basis, thus cutting overheads of
conventional offices by working from small spaces
and often from their homes. They collaborate in
the Cloud and via an engaging 3-dimensional
experience they can ‘conspire’ with their clients
to develop virtual concepts into lived experiences.
“From the Cloud to the Ground” is AiA’s motto.
This was the founding principle in the translation
Lion's Pride
of interactive design ideas into the actual striking
new building for UDEC & Neurospine in Paarl.
The Building In Context (The Ground):
The site’s fixes and constraints include a narrow
panhandle access route from the East, a stream/
wetland along the Northern and North-western
boundary, a 15m setback along this interface and
a 1:50 year flood line. These factors resulted in a
low coverage of 810m 2 on the 4,020m 2 site (20%).
The site was prepared by Lema Civils.