natural light to penetrate deep into the building
whilst also creating a strong visual link between
floors which facilitates a sense of connection
between staff and a single company culture.
The steep fall across the site was resolved by
creating a podium of naturally ventilated semibasement
parking levels with access at various
levels, which alleviates traffic congestion. The
podium creates a plinth which enhances the
building’s sense of prominence while, at the same
time, resolving potential security issues without
having to hide behind high boundary walls.
The building is made up of two ‘wings’ on either
side of its main axis allowing for logical and easily
legible movement. To mitigate the challenges of
the east-west orientation, the building is broken
up into a series of ‘fingers’ orientated in a northsouth
direction, which forms the essential shape
of the building. The form was then refined by
carving away at the corners to create a distinctive,
sculptural form that gives the building its unique
and recognisable architecture.
A combination of glass and aluminium
were used to create a liquid appearance which
Deloitte 25