for the precinct dictate that no off-street parking
may be provided for new developments and, in
order to comply, all the visitors bays have been
provided on the ground floor behind secure access
and control. These parking bays link directly into the
building’s reception area, as well as the pedestrian
entrance for visitors using the Gautrain or taxis.
Sustainable Building Features
While the re-use of certain elements from the
original building has contributed to 4 Stan Road’s
sustainability rating, it is also provided with all
the energy efficient and building management
systems, including sub-metering of both water
and energy necessary to achieve its 4 star Green
Star rating from the Green Building Council of
South Africa.
The system chosen for air-conditioning and
ventilation is a decentralised variable air volume
(VAV) system with a highly efficient air cooled
chilled water plant on the roof. It is energy efficient,
sustainable and flexible and provides the indoor air
Stan Road