Architect and Builder June 2016 | Page 22

Construction Work Permit Changes by STEPHAN JULIUS T he New Construction Regulations (NCR) were promulgated on the 7th February 2014 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 / 1993. The regulations now impose additional duties and responsibilities on the client, being any person for whom construction work is being done. The New Construction Regulations are obligatory and intend to ensure that only competent persons are appointed and that risk assessments are carried out by such competent persons from the inception stage until completion of the project. The NCR provides a clear guideline to the client / agent as to how they should apply for a Construction Work Permit with the Department of Labour. ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF THE CLIENT • The client must prepare a Baseline Risk Assessment for the construction work. • Ensure that the designer provid es the health and safety agent with a design risk report. • Ensure that the Baseline Risk Assessment information is included in the health and safety specification. • Ensure that the designer takes the prepared health and safety specification into consideration during the design stage. • Ensure that the health and safety risk profile is communicated to all concerned. • The New Construction Regulations places a huge emphasis on the client / agent to enforce the contractor’s risk assessments and that they are monitored, reviewed and that it is specifically aligned to the building programme and risk. • The client must appoint a competent professional team and principal contractor in writing. • The client must also appoint a competent Construction Health and Safety (Agent) who is registered with the South African Council for The Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP). 20 • Apply for a Construction Work Permit thirty ( 30 ) days before construction starts where the contract value exceeds R130 million. • Note: Refer to Construction Regulation 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85/1993 for all the “Duties of the Client”. WHEN IS THE APPLICATION FOR A CONSTRUCTION WORK PERMIT APPLICABLE? In terms of Government Notice No 39025 July 2015, the Department of Labour (DOL) issued the following instruction: “A Client / Agent must apply for a Construction Work Permit 30 days before the work commences to the Department of Labour if the contract value exceeds R130 million or Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) grading level 9. • A similar application must be submitted to the Department of Labour 30 days before construction starts, after the 7th February 2017 if the works contract is of a value exceeding R40 million or CIDB grading Level 8. • After the 7th August 2018 and 30 days before construction starts the project exceeds 365 days or involves more than 3,600 person days if construction work or the works contract is of a value exceeding R13 million or CIDB grading level 7. CAN YOU START WITHOUT A CONSTRUCTION WORK PERMIT? • No construction work can start if a Construction Work Permit is not issued by the Department of Labour. The Construction Work Permit will reflect a site-specific number, for example (WC/2016/08/CPT007). This site-specific number must be conspicuously displayed at the site main entrance. • The Department of Labour has committed that they will issue the Construction Work Permit within 30 days after they have received all the documentation as required by Construction Regulation 3. Work Permit