Architect and Builder Jul 2021 | Page 84

Krat explains that her work took on a very theoretical approach that drew parallels between her heritage as a Russian-South African and the collective ecological and cultural history of marginal sites in Cape Town . Her thesis , entitled ‘ Montage , Collage in making Tarkovsky ’ s Zone : Sculpting a Cinematic Narrative Space in a Liminal Landscape ’, explores how alternative and experiential design methods inspired by the study of cinema can inform the creation of poetic and phenomenologically enhanced architecture , which connects multiple realities and time-based encounters .
Krat ’ s research drew parallels between Soviet filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky ’ s cinematic zone , the perceptual zone of the current Covid-19 reality and a physical Cape Town site containing the marginal Salt River zone . The latter ’ s industrial history is showcased in derelict constructions made from Corobrik products . These remnants comprise steel , iron and brickwork found in existing industrial artefacts , which were then reworked with the ephemeral addition of wood as a material to create a renewed interpretation both physically and metaphorically .
84 Student Awards