Architect and Builder Jul 2021 | Page 64

3RD FLOOR ( Typical )
achieve this , sub-metering of major energy consuming systems in in place .
• Minimisation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions associated with operational energy consumption has been reduced . An energy model of the building was generated and compared to a notational building model in the design stages . The building design has showed an improvement over a SANS 10400 notional building .
• A project specific Environmental Management Plan was developed and implemented throughout the duration of construction to establish guidelines to follow to minimise the environmental impact associated with construction activities .
• A waste management plan was developed and implemented to minimise the contribution of waste going to landfill and reduce the environmental impact of the project .
• All gaseous and fire suppression systems and thermal insulants have an Ozone Depleting Potential of zero .
• A high level of thermal comfort is ensured by addressing the internal operative temperatures through modelling and ensuring they are within the ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 Acceptability Limits for at least 98 % of occupied hours .
• Operative cooling towers or other evaporate cooling systems that create the risk of Legionella Disease are eliminated from the design of the building .
• Sub-metering of major water consuming systems is in place . Gathering information is key to understanding and managing building systems and to assess opportunities for water savings .
• Water efficient fittings are estimated to achieve approximately a 30 % saving . The building is designed to achieve an energy consumption efficiency that amounts to over a 48 % improvement of energy use when compared to the notional building .
• A minimum waste saving of 5 % recycling and reuse per month is targeted .
HVAC The roof of the hotel holds the following HVAC equipment - Two air-cooled chillers , the chiller heat recovery heat exchanger and the dedicated hotel room preconditioning fresh air unit . Insulated chilled water piping supplies each of the individual fan coil units located in the hotel suites . The main chilled water riser also supplies cooled water to the two air conditioning rooms located on the mezzanine floor level .
The main mezzanine plant room houses the second fresh air preconditioning unit which provides preconditioned fresh air to the public
64 Radisson RED